“From the rising of the sun in the East unto its going down the L-rd’s Name is praised.”
Candle Lighting 0:00 PM
End of Shabbat: 0:00 PM
The Jewish Community of Hong Kong Kehilat Zion

Welcome to Kehilat Zion Hong Kong. Kehilat Zion Synagogue, also known as Hechal Ezra Synagogue, was established in 1995 to serve the Jewish Community of Kowloon, Hong Kong. It is a “home away from home” for businessman and tourists from around the globe. We are located at the perfect location in the heart of Hong Kong and surrounded by over 50 hotels by walking distance with the best rate offers. We have daily Minyan, Glatt Kosher Restaurant, Shabbat Services and Meals, provided by our fine dining restaurant, one of the best in town. Our services are led and guided by Rabbi Meoded, Chief Rabbi of Hong Kong Sephardic Community. The Sephardic Jewish Community of Hong Kong welcome you
Kehilat Zion Services
Daily Minyan
8:00 am Monday – Fridays
Canton Fair and Jewellery Exhibitions 7:15am
8:00 am Sunday & Public Holidays
Breakfast served after morning service
Candle lighting Fridays
9:00am Saturdays
Glatt Kosher Restaurant
Culinary experience, Jewish, Mediterranian, European, and Asian food with the best freshest ingredients,
a personal touch, and a modern flare. We welcome you to taste our selection of international cuisines
Shabbat Services Meals
Candle lighting Fridays
9:00am Saturdays
Shabbat at Kehilat Zion is unique and magnificent experience. Enjoy our prayers and Full shabbat meals, provided by our Fine Dining restaurant. The ultimate selection of authentic flavours of Jewish traditional food and cusine make your shabbat experience unforgettable.
The Perfect Location
Address | Unit 105, 1/F, Wing On Plaza, 62 Mody Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon, Hong Kong香港尖沙咀麼地道62號永安廣場105單元Exit P1 from TST MTR Station |
Telephone | |
Nearby |
Kowloon Shangri-La Hotel |
62 Mody Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East,
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Shabbat Services Meals
Synagogue History
Jewish Comunity of Hong Kong Our History
Kehilat Zion synagogue is also known as Hechal Ezra synagogue. It was established in 1995 by Syrian businessmen of New York and the Sephardic Shecheber Center of Jerusalem. Kehilat Zion currently boasts more than 900 members. The synagogue serves the Jewish community of Hong Kong and the many businessmen, tourists, students and backpackers passing through the area. Rabbi Meoded, the chief Rabbi of the Hong Kong Sephardic Community, is Kehilat Zion’s spiritual leader.
Jewish Comunity of Hong Kong About us
Kehilat Zion synagogue is located in Tsim Sha Tsui East, a popular business and shopping district on the Kowloon side of the Victoria Harbour, in Hong Kong. The synagogue is just a short walk from many 5-star hotels and shopping centers.
Kehilat Zion synagogue offers weekday and Shabbat services. The synagogue provides visitors with a beautiful Shabbat and Holiday experience including Glatt Kosher gourmet meals. The synagogue includes a large library of Jewish books. Rabbi Meoded delivers weekly Torah lectures and philosophical kiruv seminars geared for all levels.
Daily Minyan
8:00am Mondays – Fridays (Daily breakfast)
Canton Fair and Jewellery Exhibitions 7:15am
8:00am Sundays & Public holidays
Mincha candle lighting time
Shabbat services & Meals
Services & Meals
Enjoy our prayers and Full shabbat meals
provided by our Fine Dining restaurant.
Glatt Kosher Restaurant
Culinary experience
Jewish, Mediterranian, European, and Asian food
with the best and freshest ingredients and personal touch.